Right now, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, most of the world is shut in their homes and on the internet. There are people selling their homes, people looking for a new home and some people just killing time while in “lockdown” looking at real estate. All online. Social media is an important tool for Realtors, now, during this crisis, more than ever.
- Set up your real estate business on business pages for social media accounts on all the most popular platforms: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. These companies have made it easy.
- Take a look at the competition. See what other Realtors with big platforms are doing as well as those not as popular. Look for the differences and avoid mistakes and replicate success.
- If you have had beautiful pictures taken of a home for sale and post them on Facebook and Instagram. Write informative and interesting content to go with the photos. Always remember that these platforms are “social” and the minute you start “selling” you will turn people off. Draw people in with your photos and tell great stories to go with them.
- Do live stories for Instagram that also share to Facebook from the property. Have some fun and let people “meet” you. The more real you are, the more new “friends” you will find wanting to watch and follow you and eventually some will become clients.
- Use hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. To be able to find the people you want to reach, you have to learn what is trending. Twitter lists the “trending” hashtags on the home screen of your page. Create your own hashtag and use it consistently on every post. Hashtags are a way of communicating and expanding your business on social media.
- Go beyond the pictures of the home for sale. Post photos of the neighborhood events, local businesses nearby, school information, other clients closing on their new home, and even testimonials (use a client’s photo, or just a picture of their home).
The Bottom Line: While social media should be used for engagement (socializing), it is also an excellent source for direct lead generation. The report by the National Association of Realtors, says that 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest quality lead compared to other sources. This is one of the greatest advantages of social media marketing for realtors.