According to the National Association of Realtors, the average number of years people stay in their homes is anywhere from 10-20 years. Owners and their families end up having great and often life-changing events and memories that happen under their roof. Their home is the biggest investment made and they become attached emotionally.
Having buyers come in and walk through their home, opening closets, cabinets, and drawers, walking through the bedrooms, looking behind furniture, and then criticizing (!!!) their beloved home can be soul-crushing.
Thus, the first hurdle to overcome after having made the decision to sell is to let go emotionally. Time to start looking at it as a positive financial opportunity and become distant from all the aspects of the property where memories were created. It’s hard pulling hearts away from recalling the moments; the paint colors, the perfect carpeting picked, a child’s first bedroom, or a dining room that held so many family dinners. The secret is to acknowledge that selling the home is going to be stressful and emotional upfront and hopefully that will enable good decisions going forward.
Once personal items like pictures, knick-knacks, etc. are removed to begin staging which it won’t feel as much like “home”. A good Realtor will give great recommendations to help make the home more neutral – maybe painting or pulling carpet – all of which will make the home seem more like a product that needs to sell and help to remove emotion.
It’s common for a seller to overprice their home when they are emotionally attached. The price of the home should be based on the market and the comparable properties, not the value the owner, someone with memories, puts on the home. An experienced Realtor will establish the price.
If a low offer should come in, it’s best to look at it as good news! Someone loves the home enough to even make an offer. The Realtor will negotiate and learn what the seller likes and dislikes keeping the owner out of that process while simultaneously keeping emotions out of the equation.
The Bottom Line: Make sure you are truly ready to sell your home. Make a list of the pros and cons of why you want to move and evaluate. Have an experienced Realtor help you once you have made the decision and realize that sentimental value does not translate to monetary value so you will need help pricing your home accordingly. Keep your emotions in check, make a clean break, and put your energy and time into making your new house the home of your dreams!