Whether you’re working with an agent or selling your home on your own, how your home is listed and marketed is crucial. MLS will get you the most exposure for your home because it reaches other websites and most people online. Ask friends and family who they know, and look online for the busiest Realtors using all the social media platforms, and then set up an interview to see how she will take advantage of all the opportunities to get your home in front of people. It is now more important than ever that the person hired to sell any home utilizes the Internet and social media for promotion. Most American adults are online. More than 1 billion people in the entire world log in to Facebook on any given day. The potential to reach a huge number of people is exceptional.
Photographs: The very best Realtor should help stage and prepare the home for professional pictures. All rooms should be clear of any clutter. The pictures MLS displays are usually grainy and poor quality. Homebuyers more times than not, begin the search for their new home online. Take advantage of this. Stand in the doorway to rooms and snap the photo shooting into the room. There are never too many photos!
Facebook: Now those beautiful photos need to be posted and announced, showcased, and marketed. A good Realtor might even host open houses via Facebook LIVE and interact with people who are watching. Another option is to make a targeted ad and pinpoint people by location, interests, behaviors, age, and more.
Instagram: The world’s largest photo-sharing platform is the perfect place to showcase the photos taken of the home. A good Realtor should know how to use hashtags because that is how Instagram helps users find relevant content. Spread the pictures throughout the day.
Tik-Tok: This is a can not miss for social media marketing! TikTok has a fast-growing real estate industry presence. The real estate agents on TikTok feature videos of luxury home tours, inspection fails, wealth management, and real estate agent tips. These short-form videos help homes stand out by essentially giving a virtual tour of the home for sale.
The Bottom Line: Everyone wants a Realtor who can be trusted and will do everything she can to get the most money for a home in the least amount of time. The Realtor is the homeowner’s advocate. The marketing of the home should be exceptional. Beyond using the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) there should be professional pictures to use on websites and every social media platform available.