
House Issues that are Hidden

Looking at older homes to buy? There could be many issues that the seller is not aware of and some that the owner hides. While legal action can be taken after the fact, it’s inconvenient and can be expensive. A few examples of what you should look for that are easily concealed are:

Pests: They can end up causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. Pests are experts in hiding and often are infested in parts of the home that are out of the way or not in view like attics and crawl spaces. Although spotting pests–from wildlife and bats to termites, rodents, and other creepy crawlies–may be difficult, warning signs are often in plain sight. They often leave signs like small holes in the drywall, dry mud tubes along the foundation, small piles of shredded paper, sagging floors, peeling paint, or even floorboards that sound hollow. Look for droppings, odd smells, pest control products, and holes. Damaged plants outside can also signify pest breeding.

A qualified home inspector is your best option for finding any potential hidden problems with pests. Infestations never go away on their own and will decrease the home’s overall value.

Mold and Mildew:  A huge challenge that brings health risks, potential damage to the home, and a huge question like, “Do I walk away from a house with mold?” Easy to hide with bleach spray or paint and one of the biggest warning signs of dampness issues. In many states, it is a requirement for sellers to disclose any known defects of the home to the buyers in paperwork. Including the history of mold and whether or not it has been professionally handled. Another good reason to have an experienced Realtor as he/she will be able to guide you around your state’s requirements as well as the ability to recognize potential mold/mildew problems.

Aluminum Wiring: A lot of this wiring is hidden behind walls and insulation. Many sellers are not even aware of what electrical hardware is installed in their homes. Common in homes built between 1965 and 1973, aluminum wiring is more likely to cause a fire than copper wiring. If the seller doesn’t know, it won’t be listed on the disclosures. This is when a home inspection is most important. But, if you are not even at the home inspection point, you can safely look at the electrical panel and see the cables that run into the attic and basement have an AL, ALUM, or ALUMINUM on the cable jacket.

When an inspector finds this type of wiring, they are duty-bound to report it and recommend further evaluation by a qualified electrician. Sometimes, this can lead to significant decisions, like removing the aluminum wiring or employing approved repair methods.

Leaks: Sellers can temporarily plug the leak to show the home. When you are looking at the home, be on the lookout for significant cracks in the foundation, moldy odors, or any water damage on the ceilings, walls, or windows that may have fresh paint hiding the flaw. Lift rugs and move potted plants to see if they are covering water issues. Can you spot new tiling randomly placed in the bathroom and kitchen? Open the windows and the doors and see if there are any separations or soft spots that may indicate window leaks. A small separation could lead to humidity in your house, which may lead to mold. 

Some realtors advise buyers to use a general contractor to check the home as they are quick to see things that will cause problems. The seller must disclose any water damage and it can be scary to rely on them to give you the full and accurate information to decide to buy their home and how much to pay for it.

Foundation Problems: It’s a big scary red flag as a buyer to have to deal with foundation issues. Just hearing the words turns people away. While walking through the home try to notice any window or door frame gaps or cracks in the wall that might be from a faulty or unstable foundation. Sellers will try to hide the cracks or separation with more caulking and paint. Look to see if the paint is a bit uneven around windows and doors. Foundation issues can cause doors and cabinets to not shut properly and can cause beams to stress and break – don’t be afraid to open and close cabinets.

The Bottom Line:  One of the worst feelings as a new homeowner is the fear that you’ve bought a home with problems that were not disclosed. Even if you, a general contractor or an inspector have found these and other problems but still want the home, a great realtor will do some good negotiating for you to have the sellers pay for the repairs.

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DIY Home Improvement Projects for Beginners

Home improvement does not have to break the bank! A quick scroll through Pinterest and Instagram will give you plenty of ideas for DIY projects you can tackle in just one day of your weekend.

Paint: A can of paint can make a dramatic difference in many ways. If your walls have scratches and dirty paint, an outdated color, or fading wallpaper, paint them. Bring new life to old tiles in a bathroom by painting them. Wake up cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms with paint or stain and add new drawer pulls and door knobs. Updating your front door by painting it can change the entire look of your house! If you plan to sell, choose more neutral colors – meet with your realtor for ideas.

Fixtures: Switch plates, outlet covers, curtain rods, light fixtures, and doorknobs are a cheap way to add a big splash to a room. Metal switch plates and outlet covers can cost as little as $5 apiece but look much more expensive.

Outside: Rent a powerwasher and clean the outside of your home. A good pressure washing can make your home’s exterior look almost as good as a fresh coat of paint. Wash your windows inside and out. Rake or blow dead leaves and debris from around your yard. Trim overgrown bushes and trees. Search for what flowers or plants will grow well in your yard and give it a big makeover! Fences and gates might be in disrepair from the winter and fall seasons, be sure to make any repairs that need to be done.

Garage: Not a fun job, but that accomplished feeling when it’s done! Toss junk and clear out everything. Sweep, hose down, and even epoxy the floor. Install DIY cabinets and hide tools away. Put up hooks to hang garden equipment and bikes. Clean and paint the doors to kick up your curb appeal.

Caulk: Bathroom caulk can look discolored, cracked, and dingy in the bathtub, shower, and sink. All caused by leaking water. Pull out the old caulk, clean the area, and add a new layer. This quick project can last up to ten years.

Flooring:  Remember that odors linger especially in rugs and carpets and worn, dirty, or badly colored carpeting can turn a buyer off in seconds. If you have good hardwood floors, consider ripping out the carpet and exposing the wood. If that isn’t an option, search the internet to find out who or what to use to bring life into your carpeting – replacing or deep cleaning it. If you are planning to sell your home, get advice from a realtor.

Window Treatment: No more dreary curtains, bent mini-blinds, and dusty old drapery. Remove and replace with simple white mini-blinds or wood blinds. Easy fix and refresh that can be done in a day.

The Bottom Line: There are many, many ways to give your home a facelift, even make a huge difference that are easy and budget-friendly. Whether it’s to improve your property’s value or just increase your living experience, DIY projects are an economical way to transform any space.

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First Impression Turn-Offs in Real Estate

There are many reasons other than your home being priced too high that can prevent a sale. Buyers have tons of options, your home is just one of the many on the market. Even after falling in love with the marketing online of your home, once they pull up in front to see it in “real life” and the curb appeal passes the test, there could be some turn-offs that are hard to get past. Here are a few:

Noise: If your home is under the flight path of an airport there isn’t too much you can do about the noise. Your beautiful online photos will get them to come to see your home, but once there, they will experience noise pollution be it the train line, a major highway, or under the flight path could prevent the home from selling. Lowering your price could be the best thing you can do.

Neighbors: Your house may be in top shape, but if your neighbors have unkempt lawns, poorly maintained exteriors, or other visual disturbances, your property value will likely take a hit, as well.  Be ready for the issue to come up and be proactive by reaching out, if possible, to the offending neighbor in hopes that you might be able to mitigate those effects and lead to the sale you want.

Layout: Additions, add-ons, or conversions may offer a challenging layout but clever built-in furnishings and a little staging can fix this. Rearrange the furniture to make the space feel more open and inviting. Even consider removing any unnecessary walls to create a more open concept. When a home’s style is outdated, the first thing a buyer thinks about is expensive, major renovations. Meet with your realtor to see what you can do to help buyers see the potential in the home and envision themselves living there.

Musty: This will happen a lot in the basement if there isn’t a lot of airflow and it’s dark, damp, and dusty. It will be a hard selling point, so investing in a dehumidifier can solve many of the problems that come with a damp basement.

Home With A Past: If your home has had a gloomy life, it can be less likely to sell. Whether it’s a haunted house, a home with a notorious past, drug-related incidences, if the house is in a high crime area, or if there has been a suicide or death, buyers may be wary of proceeding any further. Lowering the price and focusing on the positive features of the home may outweigh any negative connotations.

Smell: Even musty smells, pet odors, and cigarette smells cannot be hidden with open windows, candles, or baking cookies. If there’s an issue with mold or mildew, absolutely take care of it before even listing your home. If you have pets, try to remove all evidence of pets and their odors before showing or listing the property if possible. If there are stronger odors like cigarette smells or urine stains, you may need to bring in the professionals to come in and take care of the odor before listing.

Repairs: If you aren’t listing your home as a “fixer-upper” and it needs repairs, it could be deterring potential buyers. Before putting your home on the market, hire an inspector and make sure to fix any major issues such as leaks, cracks, or holes in the walls. If your home needs cosmetic changes like painting the walls or updating the fixtures, get it done before anyone views your home.

Shared Driveway: Many buyers have passed on buying a home that has a shared driveway. Having to negotiate over driveway access and maintenance just isn’t something worth dealing with. Selling a house with a shared driveway can present some challenges, as potential buyers may have concerns about issues such as shared maintenance responsibilities, access, and potential conflicts with neighbors. However, the impact on the sale can vary depending on the specific circumstances, local real estate market conditions, and the preferences of potential buyers. It’s important to disclose the shared driveway arrangement to potential buyers and provide as much information as possible to address any concerns they may have.

The Bottom Line: If your home is not selling due to a displeasing issue, hopefully, you have hired the most seasoned realtor in your area. A good agent should be able to tell you why your house isn’t selling, and they should be willing to give you bad news. While there are plenty of potential problems, having a realtor with top negotiation skills who you trust is so important. They should be able to walk you through the market expectations and prepare you for what will need to be negotiated.

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Ready for Summer?

Longer days and warming weather make this time of year fun to get outside and tackle some of these projects. Spring home maintenance is essential for homeowners to ensure that their properties are in the best condition. Clean, repair, paint, and replace, and if you are preparing to sell your home, have your agent walk around and give their expert ideas. Here are some good tips to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Roof | Gutters: Winter can be brutal and cause wear and tear on your roof and little problems can turn into big, expensive problems fast. Check for missing or damaged shingles, and check for leaks or water damage. The gutters and downspouts will most likely be filled with debris. Over time, leaves and twigs can accumulate in your gutters, causing them to clog and lead to water damage to your home’s foundation. It’s best to check them and clear them all year. Check the downspouts to be sure they are directing water away from your home’s foundation.

HVAC – Inspect your HVAC system. Replace your air filters and clean your vents to ensure your system runs efficiently. If you notice any strange noises or odors coming from your HVAC system, it’s best to have a professional inspect it.

Window and Doors – Let the sun shine in! Clean your windows! Take your storm windows out and be sure your screens are examined for damage before putting them back in. Look for any gaps or cracks in doors and windows that will eventually lead to energy loss and higher energy bills. Use weather stripping or caulking to seal any gaps or cracks you find and get any damages fixed.

Yard – Now is the time to clean up your landscaping! Rake dead leaves and debris from your lawn, garden, or flowerbeds. Trim overgrown bushes or trees and remove any dead branches. Do research and see what type of new plants or flowers you might add to give your yard a makeover. Fences and gates can be in disrepair from the winter weather. Be sure to do a once-over for any repairs that need to be done.

House Exterior – Inspect your home’s exterior for any damage. Look for cracks or holes in your siding and inspect your chimney for any damage. Zero in on the siding or the paint. If you see peeling, you may want to get that fixed before it gets worse. Can you see any new signs of rotting wood? This goes for any deck or patio as well.

Power Wash – Such a therapeutic exercise to watch dirt and grime float away from your windows, doors, patios, decks, siding, driveway, walkways, and everything in between! Get rid of that winter grunge

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Assumable Mortgage

An assumable loan allows a home buyer to take over the seller’s existing mortgage, including its outstanding balance, interest rate, and repayment term, rather than obtaining a new loan. The buyer must qualify for the loan by meeting the lender’s credit, income, and asset requirements. If approved, the buyer pays the seller for any home equity as a down payment and assumes the monthly mortgage payments. 


Reasonable Interest Rate: The most advantageous benefit is to secure a lower interest rate than what’s currently available. If the seller’s interest rate is lower than the prevailing rates, the buyer will save a lot of money over the life of the loan.

Lower Closing Costs: Since the buyer is taking over an existing mortgage, there are fewer fees and paperwork involved compared to obtaining a brand-new loan. 

Faster and Easier Qualification: Assuming a mortgage may be a more accessible option for buyers who may not meet the stringent credit or income requirements associated with obtaining a new mortgage. As long as the buyer meets the lender’s criteria and is approved for the assumption, they can acquire the property without needing to qualify for a new loan. This process is often more streamlined and requires less paperwork.

Easier Sale & Higher Prices for Sellers: In a market where rates are 22-year highs, there can be buyer hesitation. Being able to offer a significantly lower rate to buyers can be extremely attractive and help a seller tempt buyers to choose your home over another. Because the seller is endowing the buyer with such a low rate, they can demand a higher sale price.


Large Down Payment: Rising home values can affect the advantages of a mortgage assumption. When a buyer assumes a mortgage, they inherit the low rate and low payment, but they must make up the difference between the home’s purchase price and the remaining mortgage balance. If the seller has significant equity, the buyer may need to make a sizeable down payment or obtain a second loan to cover the difference. This can nullify some of the benefits of the lower interest rate.

Increased Financial Risk: Sellers are often at a higher financial risk with an assumable mortgage, especially one that involves a VA loan. If the lender does not release the original borrower from liability of the mortgage, any missed payments could affect the sellers. 

The Bottom Line: With an assumable mortgage, there is the potential issue that the buyer must still qualify. The lender will review credit, income, and assets to make sure payments are affordable. It can be more complicated than a traditional mortgage. It’s important to compare the costs of assuming a loan to obtaining a new mortgage. There are cases where, even with higher interest rates, it may be more affordable for the buyer to get a new loan due to lower upfront costs and down payment. A good realtor and mortgage professional will be able to help you evaluate the options.

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Closing Costs Surprise!

The money you have saved for a down payment is not the only cash you will need when buying a home. You’ll also need an additional amount to cover closing costs. More than half of homebuyers are surprised by the extra money needed at closing as found in a survey done by ClosingCorp.

New regulations have tightened, forcing mortgage lenders to disclose these costs in loan estimates, however, buyers still find themselves shocked when they see the final tally, which can add up to as much as 5% of the total loan amount.

Closing costs are fees and payments that need to be made to different individuals and organizations who are involved with the transaction of your home sale. The fees charged at your closing will be specific to you, your property’s location, and the lender and settlement service providers you choose to work with. They can include:

  • Government recording costs
  • Appraisal fees
  • Credit report fees
  • Lender origination fees
  • Title services
  • Tax service fees
  • Survey fees
  • Attorney fees
  • Underwriting Fees & Processing Fees
  • Escrow
  • Home inspection
  • Property tax
  • Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

There are steps you can take to help bring down your closing costs:

  • Schedule your closing at the end of the month. Part of your closing costs is prepaid interest charges on your mortgage for the remaining days of the calendar month. If you schedule your closing toward the end of the month, you’ll only pay these charges for a few days.
  • Ask the seller to cover some of the costs. In a buyer’s market, and/or if your seller is particularly eager to complete the sale, you can ask them to cover some of the closing costs.
  • Compare your loan estimate and your final closing disclosure form. Check for inconsistencies and new charges. If something doesn’t look right, bring it to the attention of your lender.
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The Eyesore Next Door

Your house has been postured to be put on the market after getting everything cleaned, refreshed, landscaped, and staged. You’ve interviewed and hired the best realtor. Pictures have been taken, the marketing is perfect and you’re ready to go. But – there is a problem. A neighbor’s unkempt or other various forms of bad neighbors including being noisy or disruptive. These situations can negatively affect your home’s desirability and cost you some real money.

Respectfully and diplomatically, visit with the offending neighbor (s) and have a conversation with them, letting them know that you are preparing to sell your home and would love their help showcasing the neighborhood in the finest light which will also help them. After all, selling your home at a great price only means good news for them!

There are a multitude of reasons someone’s home can look disheveled. A sickness, or a new baby for instance. If this is the case and they are unable to clean up the outside, offer solutions. Maybe do the work yourself for them or hire professionals to get the job done. While it will be money out of your pocket, you won’t be forced to lower your asking price and in the end, you will be able to recoup that when you sell your home.

If your efforts are not successful, make a call to the city hall. Explore how they can help you. Many cities and counties have ordinances that prohibit things such as a vehicle on jacks, old tires, or an inoperable trailer/truck parked on a lawn. Beyond being an eyesore, it could be dangerous to a child who might wander onto the property, thus the police should be contacted. The fire department and health officials might be concerned about tall, dead grass that could be a fire hazard and an attraction to rats or other animals.

The problem may not be the fault of the homeowner if they rent out their home and their tenants aren’t taking care of it or behaving in a way that impacts the neighborhood. If after you have had a kind conversation with them and things still aren’t getting better, you should find the owner. Your realtor will be able to assist you in tracking him down and help in encouraging cooperation from him.

The Bottom Line: A bad neighbor is hard on a house, especially when your home is for sale. A home’s value can be negatively impacted or cause it to stay on the market longer. Good and direct communication is important in these situations. No matter what you do, keeping your realtor in the loop is suggested. They’ve been down this road before and probably have many good ideas.

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Is Your House Ready To Sell?

Putting your home on the market can involve several stresses and strains. Regardless of the reason behind selling, the goal is to sell it for the most money in the shortest amount of time. With the lease hassles and distractions. There is a lot to think about, prepare for, to organize. You must be objective about all the details in this your financial asset, your home.

Hire the most experienced realtor in your area to help you price your home right. The first thing buyers look for in their initial search for a home is the price. Your home might be perfect but if the price is too high you will miss out on a big group of buyers as it sits on the market longer. The realtor you hire should be well-versed in the ability to use comparative market analysis and determine the very best and the right listing price.

It’s easy to overlook small wear and tear issues in your home especially if you have been living in it for a longer period. It’s essential to remember that when a buyer is looking through your home, they are looking at the details. They will check to make certain the lights all work, and that the windows can open. How are your appliances? Do they all work? Are there any small leaks in a bathroom that you have forgotten about? Details like these can turn a buyer off no matter how small. They might be left wondering if the owner of the home has neglected bigger issues. Consider hiring an inspector for a pre-inspection to head off any potential issues.

Have your realtor walk through your home with you and help you decide what should be removed. A good rule of thumb is to remove about half of your furniture to enable rooms to appear bigger and more appealing. Create a cozy, intimate space in each room by rearranging furniture. Get rid of any clutter by purging and removing knick-knacks, and hiding any political affiliations, degrees, family photos, and other personal items. Paint should be traditional colors in each room. Open the blinds and pull back the curtains – let the light shine through. Staging your home is a good strategic move that can be done by a professional stager or you, as the seller, with your realtor.

The first thing a buyer sees after being enticed by your online presence is the outside of your home as they arrive to see it in person. The aesthetic look of the home’s exterior can be very telling as to what might be found on the inside. Get your yard landscaped if it’s not and keep it well maintained. Pull weeds, pick up sticks, fix burned grass patches, and rake the bushes clean of dead leaves. Walk around your home and notice if any paint is chipping or faded. Are your windows clean? Is your front door freshly painted? Are your gutters clear of debris? Again, having the realtor you hire look over everything with new eyes can be beneficial. Don’t take any criticism personally.

Once you have conquered all of the above and your home is ready to have a sign in the yard, the realtor you hire must be exceptional in the marketing of your home. Your realtor should know how to attract buyers online through professional photo listings and other new and creative ideas. The first place that buyers see a property is online, and if photos don’t look professional, buyers may disregard your property. Additionally, listings with high-quality photos can sell up to 32% faster.

The Bottom Line: Choosing the right realtor is paramount when putting your house on the market. One who is knowledgeable about your local market and with experience selling in your neighborhood. Selling a home is a big life milestone and can be complex with all the many steps involved. The consequences of a mistake can have a big impact. It pays to spend the time and money to make sure you are getting your home on the market and ready for success.

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Hire a Realtor with Remarkable Social Media Experience

Many people believe that traditional methods of real estate marketing are sufficient. While this can be true, social media has proven to be a hugely worthwhile avenue to pursue when buying or selling a property. Social media can make a difference in lead generation and give your home a competitive edge.

Realtors are now selling homes and buildings, finding clients, and growing their brands online completely through social media. Having a presence online is one of the most important, if not the most important attributes an agent can have. Social media is the strongest marketing tool there is as it reaches people around the world 24/7. You need as many people to view your home in the shortest and fastest way possible. The more eyes you have looking at your property, the more optimal it can be in selling your home.

Hiring a realtor with extensive experience with social media is critically important. Scour your accounts to see which realtor in your location takes advantage of all the incredible opportunities to get their listings out in front of the most eyes online. Social media is a free way to advertise virtually anything anyone is selling and a realtor should – MUST – have the acumen to utilize it correctly and brilliantly.

Once a home is staged and cleared of clutter, a realtor should have the very best photographer on hand to capture the most crisp photos for online viewing. Homebuyers more times than not, begin a search for their new home online. This should be taken full advantage of. There are never too many photos or videos. They should be used for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, and Linkedin as well as mailings. Always remember – a picture is worth a thousand words.

The realtor chosen to sell your home must engage with any potential buyers who indicate interest on the platforms on which your home is being showcased. By communicating and being responsive, your realtor will build trust with the potential buyer and increase the chance of closing a sale.

The Bottom Line: Social media is one of the most common and effective ways to share property listings. To attract the right buyer, your realtor needs to go beyond the basics and adequately demonstrate the value of your home. The beautiful photos should have clear and precise descriptions as well as pointing out all the unique features of your home. The marketing of your home should be exceptional and social media marketing does not require a huge budget or even a large team of people. Simply do the work of finding the best realtor with the most experience with social media.

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Title Insurance? Here’s Why You Need It

The purchase of a home is most likely one of the most expensive and important purchases a person will make. The buyer and the mortgage lender must be certain that the home is indeed completely the buyer’s and that no other person or government entity has any right, lien, or claim to the property at all whatsoever. Like most types of insurance, having title insurance is better to have and not use than needing it and not having it available.

Title Insurance companies are in business to make sure the rights and interests of the property are clear, that the transfer of title takes place efficiently and correctly, and that the interests of a homebuyer are protected to the maximum degree.

Hidden issues can pop up after the closing of a home. Having title insurance will protect the buyer from some pretty sticky situations. Some of these unforeseeable title claims can be:

  • Forgery | False Documents – for example, the seller misrepresents the identity of the person selling the property.
  • Fraud | deception to achieve unfair gain -for example, someone steals identity and either sells the house without the owner’s knowledge or consent or takes out a second mortgage on the property and walks away with the money.
  • Clerical error | inconsistent paperwork and historical records – for example, an unforeseeable discrepancy in the property or fence line confuses ownership rights.

Title insurance is a safeguard against loss arising from hazards and defects already existing in the title. While claims on title insurance are rare compared to other types of insurance, they still happen and can be complicated legal issues to fix.

  • Outstanding mortgages and judgments, or liens against the property because the seller didn’t pay required taxes.
  • Pending legal action against the property that could affect your ownership.
  • An unknown heir of a previous owner is claiming ownership of the property.

After the title company conducts an exhaustive search relevant to the property with assurance that no one else has an interest in it, a policy will be issued. Because of this examination of all the records, any problems with the title will be cleared up before the purchase of the home. Once the title policy is issued, if a problem arises leading to a file against the property, the title company pays the legal fee that would be incurred in the defense of the owner’s rights as well as any loss arising from a valid claim. This protects the owner and any heirs as long as it is their property.

The Bottom Line: The title company hired will conduct a meticulous title search, however, the possibility of something being overlooked cannot be eliminated. That’s why it’s crucial to have title insurance. The policy will protect against any unforeseen issues that may arise with the property’s title. Without title insurance, an owner could end up dealing with expensive legal costs and other charges. An investment like a home should be safeguarded and a title policy should be in place before the day of closing.

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